Vauhti’s strategic objective is to become one of the leading ski wax technology companies. This demands a lot from both the personnel and the technical infrastructure. Modern equipment and technology guarantee the high quality of Vauhti’s products. Vauhti’s glide and grip waxes are manufactured in an automated process, with optimized production parameters for each wax.
Waxes are made using an automated procedure, with each product having its own optimized production
parameters. Automated systems monitor the manufacturing processes and casting temperatures of each product at a precision of one-tenth of a unit. The casting itself is managed by an automatic production robot.
Liquid products are made in four fully closed digitally controlled production reactors, from which they are taken to an adaptive bottling line to be bottled in their dedicated product bottles.

Research with the University of Eastern Finland guarantees a competitive edge to the world’s oldest ski wax brand
Our product research and development team is passionate about achieving a complete knowledge and understanding of that thin layer between skis and snow to optimize skis’ performance in all possible snow conditions.
Our products and the technology behind them is based on rigorous, long-term testing in both laboratory and field conditions. Various materials and their behavior is a key factor in our daily lives. Material surface is typically made of polymers, the properties of which can be controlled and tailored to a wide range of different uses.
Surface material performance is often critical to the functionality of the products and their physical and environmental safety.
Vauhti Speed Oy engages in continuous research collaboration with the University to Eastern Finland, where the products can be tested in laboratory conditions and environment in order to find smallest factors to improve its characteristics and functionalities.
Our philosophy is that waxing is not an obstacle to skiing. That’s why our mission is to keep it simple and easy.
With over 100 years of experience and continuous innovation in ski wax technology, Vauhti strives to give
passionate skiers the best performance, in every circumstance.
Waxing should be so straightforward that it can be done straight from one’s living room. No need for a separate waxing space. Liquid ski waxes are the technological focus of tomorrow. Ski enthusiasts are looking for easy solutions for ski maintenance, but also know how to demand good functionality from their equipment.
Vauhti’s liquid products are easy to use and developed with the same accuracy as the wax combinations used by the world’s best skiers. Waxing is no longer an obstacle to skiing with Vauhti, every forest, mountain, and fell becomes accessible.

Vauhti = Precision & Detail
Vauhti’s roots and history come from Finland. Throughout history, Finns have been known for their attention to precision and detail. We are trusting people. We have high morals and do not give up easily. We don’t talk a lot, we focus on the fundamentals. This is our advantage in business and product research and development. Although we hate mistakes, we are not afraid of them, we learn from them. These values are the basis for Vauhti’s products used by the world’s top skiers.